Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Why Do I?

I was asked this question last night...  Why do you workout and how do you stay motivated?  My quick response was because it's my job and I want to be the best I can.  It may also be a slight addiction.

Although all that is true, the reality is there's much more to it. The truth is we all want to look better and be skinnier to be our best versions.  But I have found over the years of personal training if that is the only reason, commitment sometimes doesn't last.

I started working with a client about 3 weeks ago that is in his late 60's.  He has never really cared much about health or fitness, until recently when some health issues arose.  He realized that he probably should have focused a little more on it when he was younger, but instead of getting down on himself he decided now is a good time to start.  He wants to drop a few pounds to help the pressure on his joints but he really wants to be healthier so that he can enjoy his retirement with his wife.

A friend I've starting talking with over the past month or two wants to be healthy as a role model for her daughter.  She isn't concerned with being "skinny" but rather healthy so that she can be active with her daughter.

Another close friend of mine started pushing herself with fitness initially just for her.  She wasn't happy with how she looked or how she felt.  As she progressed and her health and fitness levels improved she started to inspire her friends and family.  Her focus shifted from self to others which has kept her going.  She is now looking to become a personal trainer so that she may continue to help inspire others.

So back to the original question... Why do I?  Yes, I want to be the best version of me I can because I have such a passion for health and fitness (and yes it is a slight addiction).  But I want to inspire my children and educate them about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.  I want them to grow up looking towards me as their role model in that lifestyle.  I want to be a leader to others looking to a healthy lifestyle as their success is truly inspirational to me.  A quote that I love says: "True leaders do not create followers, they create more leaders."  I hope that those I inspire will in turn help inspire others to do the same.

So let me ask you.... Why Do You?